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The Global Leader in
Residence and Citizenship by Investment
The Global Citizen Award

Created in 2014 by the firm’s Chairman, Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, the Global Citizen Award is a unique international tribute that honors remarkable individuals working at local level to advance one of the global challenges affecting humanity today.

The Global Citizen Award

Henley & Partners Global Citizen Award® Nomination Form


Once a year, Henley & Partners honors an inspirational global citizen. The award is a tribute to remarkable individuals who work toward improving the global community and whose actions contribute to a more just, peaceful, and tolerant world.

Individuals ONLY. The nominator should not be related to nominee by family or employment relations.

Please provide a short profile of the nominee (max 300 words max)*

Words: 0

Please select the global issue that the nominee's work is focused on. Should you need further information on global issues, please see*

Briefly describe the nominee's professional background (150 words max)*:

Words: 0

Describe the nominee's work at local level and how this has impacted the lives of vulnerable communities (300 words max)*:

Words: 0

Please describe how the nominee's work has impacted or will impact the targeted global issues (300 words max)*:

Words: 0

Please add any additional information in support of your nomination (300 words max)*:

Words: 0

List any publications, articles, videos, and/or blogs about the nominee that support your nomination (maximum five)*:

Please list any other awards or accolades that the nominee already received*:

Please attach an image of nominee:

References - only where the nominee is recommended for work done in their individual capacity and not as a representative of an organization. Please provide updated contact details of two persons who are familiar with the work of the nominee but who are not related to them. Please note that the referees will be contacted:

* This field is required
** At least one of the phone numbers is required


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