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27th Annual Economist Government Roundtable

24 - 26 October 2023, Athens

27th Annual Economist Government Roundtable

Henley & Partners is delighted to receive an invitation to participate in the 27th Annual Economist Government Roundtable titled ‘The great transition: geopolitics, environment, technology’, organized by The Economist Events and taking place in Athens in October 2023.


A pandemic, a war in Europe, geopolitical upheavals, and energy and environmental crises: the world has come across unpredictable risks recently, while threats that were considered eliminated seem to be back. At the same time, important transformations shaping the 21st century are currently in process, signifying an era of great transition:

  • While the war in Ukraine has led to a fragmented and polarized world, at the same time, we see countries striving for democracy, peace, and co-operative solutions.
  • The role of hydrocarbons will still prevail for a certain period; however, green transition and electrification are gathering pace.
  • Technology continues to radically transform the world, making digital health, the digitalization of government services, and AI chatbots part of everyday reality.


  • Dr. Christian H. Kaelin TEP, FIMC
    Chairman of Henley & Partners

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