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The Global Leader in
Residence and Citizenship by Investment
The Global Citizen Award

Created in 2014 by the firm’s Chairman, Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, the Global Citizen Award is a unique international tribute that honors remarkable individuals working at local level to advance one of the global challenges affecting humanity today.

The Global Citizen Award

About The Global Citizen Award

Global issues are defined by the UN as challenges that transcend national boundaries and cannot be resolved by any one country acting alone — they require all segments of society to work together in order to alleviate them.

The Global Citizen Award is open worldwide to those working in a field with a direct link to the issues they are looking to affect and excludes political figures, opinion leaders, and celebrities. The awardee’s work needs to demonstrate a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable social groups.

The laureate is selected through a majority decision by the Global Citizen Award Committee, an independent body of eminent individuals who share a global vision and a personal commitment to contribute to a more just, peaceful, and tolerant world.

The awardee is honored at the Global Citizen Award gala event as part of the annual Henley & Partners Global Citizenship Conference, the world’s largest and most significant conference on investment migration, which takes place in a different country each year.

The award itself consists of a bespoke sculptural medal, an award certificate, and a monetary prize that goes toward supporting the awardee’s humanitarian efforts. Following the award, Henley & Partners is committed to working closely with the awardee for a period of one year, raising awareness about the awardee’s work and supporting their selected project. In particular, the firm offers expertise in marketing and PR strategies to effectively maximize the project’s impact and reach.

Chris Kalin Global Citizen Award Speaker

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